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Track Easy_eta Week

“The strongest of the species will survive and the most adaptive will thrive.” Charles Darwin

We adapted before the virus arrived! All campuses are operational and if government announces a tougher lockdown, we have developed online delivery resources to ensure that students can continue their learning. Sorry, we don’t have wine though.


For transparency we are posting parts of our strategy, starting this week, with the rationale of the plan. I know its tough reading, but its needs to be as its shared with our quality assurers and whilst we have fun as a value, we also have professionalism!

The eta strategic plan sets the direction of eta College. It explores new value, considering what can be repeated and what can be invented in this strategic period. Integrating with our vision, mission, and our programmes, it must align with the governance, management, and academic quality assurance of our institution. These factors have a sustainable relationship with quality management and core academic functions that ensure student success, quality of teaching and research, as well as community engagement. This strategy is approved by the eta Council and is subject to regular review.

Learning developments 

We have developed our new degree, the Bachelor of Management in Sport and Leisure. Launch date is February 2021. It is a 3-year programme. You interested? Contact us and we can help concert your previous credits to gain entry or get some courses exempt.

 Recommended reading / podcasts / webinars 

Worried about COVID 19? You may wish to listen to the webinar ‘Looking into a distant mirror: Memories of the Spanish Flu Epidemic of 1918 in South Africa’ by Emeritus Professor Howard Phillips in conversation with Dr Finuala Dowling which took place on the 1 July.

Hereby please find the link –



Dr Steve Harris eta College CEO


On Key

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