Social coaching skills:
Coaching skills: You will learn how to develop your own coaching philosophy and be introduced to topics relevant to the value system of a coach.
Special needs and mental skills: This addresses diversity and equity, and includes relevant social issues, equity legislation, government policy and inclusion of special needs in sport. Health and safety: This module identifies the moral, legal and financial reasons why health and safety are important factors in the workplace.
Sport team management: Learn how to plan and manage a team during the course of a season, addressing effective communication and logistics.
Exercise science:
Exercise science: Anatomy, physiology and human development are the cornerstones of sports coaching. Understanding how the human body develops and functions is critical in developing a coaching plan for a young sportsperson.
Applied kinesiology and training methods: This addresses the basic structures and functions that are integrated to perform movement. The module lays a base of knowledge imperative to being able to train, educate or alter movement patterns through exercise training and prescription.
Screening, Assessment, testing: The module outlines the requirements for sport specific screening and assessments with data analysis based on scientific principles.
Coaching science:
Applied coaching science: This module provides the foundational knowledge needed to develop a coaching plan. It introduces key topics required to plan individual sessions through to a yearly calendar. You will identify the key steps and time periods required to alter the skill of an activity.
Coach a sport: You can choose from one of five sports offered (rugby, cricket, hockey, football and netball). The module then deals with the rules and regulations governing the sport. It allows you to learn the skill of coaching a particular sport, through an understanding of the skills required and the drills/activities that best teach these skills.