Important Information


Registration with Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET)
Registration Certificate No. 2001/HE07/006

Exercise Teachers Academy PTY Limited (trading as eta College) is registered as a private higher education institution in terms of Section 54 (1) (c) of the Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 101), and Regulation 16 (4) (a) of the Regulations for Registration of Private Higher Education Institutions, 2002. eta College is registered to offer its higher education programmes at the following sites of delivery:

  • Bloemfontein
  • Cape Town
  • Durban
  • East London
  • George
  • Johannesburg
  • Port Elizabeth
  • Pretoria
  • Stellenbosch

Accreditation by the Council on Higher Education (CHE)

The following level 5 qualifications are accredited by the Council for Higher Education (CHE):

  • Higher Certificate in Fitness SAQA ID 96793
  • Higher Certificate in Coaching Science SAQA ID 96792
  • Higher Certificate in Sports Recreation and Fitness Management SAQA ID 97690

The following level 6 qualifications are accredited by the Council for Higher Education (CHE):

  • Diploma in Sport and Exercise SAQA ID 100654
  • Diploma in Sport and Recreation Management SAQA ID 97237
  • Advanced Certificate in Fitness in Sport Conditioning SAQA ID 97813
  • Advanced Certificate in Fitness in Special Populations SAQA ID 101430
  • Advanced Certificate in Coaching Science SAQA ID 104536
  • Advanced Certificate in Sports Recreation and Fitness Management SAQA ID 116404

The following level 7 qualifications have been accredited by the Council for Higher Education (CHE):

  • Bachelor of Management in Sport and Leisure SAQA ID 112053
  • Bachelor of Exercise in Sport and Leisure SAQA ID 118403

Accreditation by CATHSSETA
In accordance with Regulation 16 of the SAQA Act 58 1995, Exercise Teachers Academy (Pty) Ltd (eta College) is accredited with CATHSSETA; accreditation number 613/P/000007/2004, for the qualification/s listed below:

  • National Certificate Coaching Science, Programme ID 67695
  • National Certificate Fitness, Programme ID 67693
  • National Certificate Sport Management, Programme ID 23374
  • National Diploma Coaching Science, Programme ID 67692
  • National Diploma Fitness, Programme ID 67691
  • FETC: Sport Administration, NQF Level 04, qualification ID 67697
  • Personal Trainer Certificate (level 5, 86 credits)
  • Pilates Instructor Certificate (level 5, 55 credits)
  • Fitness Instructor Certificate (level 4, 28 credits)
  • Group Exercise Instructor Certificate (level 4, 15 Credits) – this includes the following modalities
  • Indoor Cycling Instructor to music
  • Resistance, HITT and Bootcamp
  • Pilates mat instructor
  • Yoga Instructor

Accreditation by Yoga Alliance
eta College is accredited by Yoga Alliance to offer the RYT 200 Yoga Teacher Training course

eta College is proud to be a recognised provider of the Register for Exercise Professionals South Africa (REPSSA). Our graduates are able to join this international professional body as soon as they qualify. Our graduates can only be recognised overseas if they are registered with REPSSA. Their registration is their passport but to access the “passport” they need to be qualified by an approved provider and with an accredited qualification.

International recognition
International recognition is based on our graduates’ ability to work overseas. Once qualified, our fitness graduates register with the Register for Exercise Professionals South Africa (REPSSA). REPSSA is the official body for South African fitness professionals, registered by SAQA. REPSSA is affiliated with IC REPS, the International confederation of registers for exercise professionals. This enables all members to be recognised internationally, allowing them to work anywhere in the world, wherever there is a professional register. This includes countries such as Australia, Belgium, Canada, Ireland, UK, USA, New Zealand and UAE.

International benchmarking of eta College programmes
For a qualification to be registered on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF), the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) requires that it be internationally benchmarked against similar international qualifications. This ensures international comparability and portability of South African registered qualifications. eta College fulfils this SAQA requirement, ensuring credibility and international portability of our qualifications.

SAQA (South African Qualifications Authority) is responsible for the quality assurance and registration of qualifications that have been accredited by the relevant quality council. Our accredited programmes lead to qualifications that are registered on the NQF by SAQA, and each qualification is allocated a unique identity number.

If you want to know more about accreditation and registration, take a look at the following websites:
Council for Higher Education (CHE):
Department of Higher Education & Training (DHET):

Exercise Teachers Academy (Pty) Ltd is a level 2 BBBEE company

eta College Legal Status
Business registration number is 2005/021935/07
Exercise Teachers Academy (Pty) Ltd is a registered private company, trading as eta College. When the organisation was originally formed in 1983, eta stood for Exercise Teachers Association. eta College was then taken over by Dr Stephen Harris and Ms Linda Halliday in 1994, changing the eta acronym to stand for Exercise Teachers Academy. Over time eta College has become recognised as a leading single purpose college which offers credible, accredited programmes that lead to registered vocational qualifications for the sport, fitness, leisure and recreation industries.

A requirement of the Department of Higher Education and Training is that private providers maintain a financial surety on behalf of their students as an assurance to that, in the unlikely event that eta College is unable to fulfil its obligations to its students, it will ensure that a surety fund is maintained as a guarantee for its students. To this end, Nedbank South Africa; a registered financial service and credit provider and bank of eta College, holds a signed guarantee on instruction of the directors of eta College and on behalf of eta College students

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