Bachelor of Exercise: Sport Science

This Bachelor of Exercise in Sport and Leisure (SAQA ID:118403, NQF Level 7) provides the depth of theory and level of application needed to inform professional practice in sport, leisure and fitness environments.

The core discipline is exercise science, (also known as Sports Science) with modules in business management and psycho-social studies to ensure a well-rounded professional. The integration of these knowledge fields ensures that graduates are able to design, manage and implement scientifically-based programmes for a range of participants within a range of sport, fitness or leisure business environments.

Qualifying graduates are able to critically respond to the industries they serve, demonstrating the conceptual, applied and reflexive knowledge which informs professional practice. Educated with the latest theories and current science, graduates can apply their knowledge to the design of a range of programmes; leading others in terms of their needs, aims or goals and demonstrating the attributes needed to manage individuals or groups in a range of contexts.


3 Years


Campus Programme


360 credits

Orientation Start Date

10 Feb 2025

Term Begins

17 Feb 2025


Choose the plan that's right for you

Termly (year 1 only)R74 500.00Reg fee R1 500.00Payment 1: R17 125.00
Payment 2, 3, 4: R18 625.00

Pay R1 500.00 Registration Fee


Programme Timeline

Short courses included at no additional cost


Year 1
This course teaches you both styles of Kettlebell lifting.


Year 1

Learn how to develop strength, flexibility and dynamic movement.

Speed & Agility for Sport
Year 2

This course provides you with the correct insight to training athletes


Year 2

Learn the key fundamental coaching techniques for Olympic lifting


Year 3

This course combines elements of boxing and kickboxing


Year 3

Suspension training is currently one of the newest trends.

Programme Timeline

Additional Information & Sports Science Requirements

This NQF level 7 Learning programme is accredited by the Council on Higher Education (CHE). The qualification it achieves is registered on the Higher Education Qualifications Sub Framework

The course is aimed at the academically & physically inclined person with a key interest in exercise, wellness and sport. Major emphasis is placed on the practical application needed to inform professional practice in sport, leisure and fitness environments.
The programme guides learners through the foundational knowledge required to work in the fitness industry at a professional level. The course equips students to successfully attain; sound scientific knowledge base in the field of exercise science and wellness as well as practical skills and appropriate attitudes and values to enhance health, optimise wellbeing and performance of individuals and communities. In addition to the exercise science element, a psycho-social and management subject streams have been added to further enhance their employability at the end of the degree.
The programme is designed to enable the potential within each student to achieve his or her optimal potential and engage actively and progressively within the fitness industry.

After completing this programme, you will be confident to:

  • Apply current science and wellness models to sport and leisure programmes 
  • Conduct screening, assessment, testing and exercise prescription
  • Design and implement programmes for individual’s, communities or organisations 
  • Manage business environments in sport and leisure
  • Apply relevant psycho-social knowledge and skills to leadership and management.

Range: includes but is not limited to the application of psycho-social theories and skills when coaching or advising others, instructing groups, leading work-based teams, and/or mentoring colleagues

There are compulsory courses, optional courses, some of which include an experiential learning component.

Sport and Exercise Science

Human Life Science 1
Screening and Assessment 1
Nutrition and Ergogenic Aids 1
Exercise Prescription 1
Programme management 1

Business and Management studies

Management theories and principles
Business theories and principles

Sport and Leisure studies

Business environments in sport and leisure
Theories of Sport and Leisure

Psycho Social Studies
Academic thought and practice: introduction to research
Psychology and health promotion: principles and theories
Foundations for professional development
Facilitating learning: teaching adults and children
Communication principles and practices


Human Life Science 2
Screening and Assessment 2
Nutrition and Ergogenic Aids 2
Exercise Prescription 2
Programme management 2

Business and Management studies

Governance, policy and professional practice
Business and finance management
Marketing, sales and customer care
Human resources management and industrial relations

Psycho Social Studies

Academic thought and practice: critical thinking, research methods
Psychology and health promotion: positive psychology and mental resilience
Leadership: emotional intelligence, critical self-reflection
Facilitating learning: group instruction, presentation skills


Sport and Exercise Science

Corporate wellness: programme design and management
Community health programme design and management
Sport conditioning: programme design and management
Fitness and health clubs: programme design and management

Business and Management studies

Fitness and leisure management
Sport programme management
Corporate wellness programme management
Community health programme management

Psycho Social Studies

Academic thought and practice: monitoring and evaluation
Facilitating learning: mentoring and coaching
Leadership: leading change, leading teams

You need a minimum NSC of 50% to enter a degree programme. Alternatively via one of our other programmes (please contact the campus for more options).

Cape Town

Exercise Specialist
Sport Conditioning Trainer
Fitness Programme Manager
Leisure Manager
Sport Programme Manager

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