Woman weight lifting barbell.

Athletes looking for a way to boost performance often turn to Olympic lifting. This type of training has become increasingly popular with various athletes, from total beginners to pros. In this article, we will explore the benefits of Olympic lifting for athletic performance and how it can help you take your game to the next level. 

What is Olympic Lifting 

Olympic lifting is a type of strength training that involves two main lifts: the snatch and the clean and jerk. These lifts require the athlete to lift a barbell loaded with weights from the ground to overhead in a series of explosive movements. Furthermore, Olympic lifting is a competitive sport in which athletes compete in weight classes to lift the most weight possible in each lift. However, Olympic lifting is also commonly used as a training method for athletes in other sports to improve their overall strength, power, and explosive performance. Olympic lifts are unique in that they require the athlete to lift the weight from the ground to overhead in one fluid motion, engaging multiple muscle groups and building explosive power. Proper technique and form are crucial when performing Olympic lifts. Athletes should always start with lighter weights and focus on mastering the technique before increasing the weight. 

Man lifting barbell

Increase Strength and Power

Olympic lifting for athletic performance is an excellent way to increase strength and power. These compound exercises engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously. They allow athletes to build strength and power in their lower and upper bodies. For example, the snatch primarily targets the shoulders, upper back, and hips. And the clean and jerk target the legs, hips, and shoulders. 

The strength and power gained through Olympic lifting can help athletes in a wide range of sports. Powerlifters, sprinters, jumpers, and wrestlers all rely on explosive strength to excel in their disciplines. Furthermore, strength and power are essential in team sports like football and basketball. In these sports athletes must be able to push off the ground, jump, and quickly change direction. If you want to become a strength coach, you will need to learn how to help athletes master Olympic lifting.

Enhance Athletic Performance 

Olympic lifting is an excellent way to enhance overall athletic performance. It can improve an athlete’s endurance, flexibility, coordination, balance, and agility. The variety of movements involved in Olympic lifting ensures that athletes develop a well-rounded physical ability that can translate to their respective sports. 

For instance, a gymnast can benefit from Olympic lifting because it can improve their upper body strength and explosive power needed for their routines. Similarly, hockey players can benefit from Olympic lifting because it can improve their balance and stability on the ice, allowing them to control their movements better and make quick turns.

Reduce Risk of Injury 

In addition to improving athletic performance, studies have shown that incorporating Olympic lifting into a training program can help reduce the risk of injury in athletes of all levels. Female college athletes who incorporate Olympic lifting into their training program often see a significant reduction in their risk of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries, common in sports involving jumping and cutting movements. The decrease in injuries is attributed to the improved neuromuscular control and coordination that comes with properly executing Olympic lifts.

Furthermore, Olympic lifting can help address muscle imbalances that can increase the risk of injury. Many athletes have imbalances between the muscles on their left and right sides or between their upper and lower body muscles. These imbalances can lead to compensations in movement patterns that can increase the risk of injury. 

Coach watching athlete while he is doing Olympic lifting.

Athletes can address these imbalances and reduce their risk of injury by incorporating Olympic lifts. These lifts work for multiple muscle groups simultaneously and promote balance and symmetry.

It’s important to note that proper form and technique are crucial when performing Olympic lifts. Athletes should always start with lighter weights and focus on mastering the technique before increasing the weight. The expert coaches from DubaiPT – Personal Trainers Platform recommend working with a qualified coach or trainer who can guide proper technique and form. By incorporating Olympic lifting into a training program under the guidance of a qualified professional, athletes can enjoy the benefits of improved performance and reduced injury risk.

Improve Explosiveness and Speed 

Explosiveness and speed are critical components of athletic performance, and Olympic lifting can improve both. Explosiveness is the ability to generate force quickly, while speed is the ability to move quickly. The rapid and explosive movements in Olympic lifting can help athletes develop the explosiveness, speed, and agility they need to excel in their sports. 

For example, Olympic lifting can help basketball players become more explosive in their jumps, allowing them to jump higher and dunk more easily. Similarly, Olympic lifting can help sprinter increase their stride length and frequency, enabling them to run faster. 

How to Build a Workout Routine 

Building a workout routine can initially seem daunting, but it’s crucial for achieving fitness goals. The key is to have the right routine that aligns with your goals and fitness level. A well-rounded workout routine should include both cardio and strength training exercises. Incorporating variety into your routine is essential to prevent boredom and ensure all muscle groups are engaged. Additionally, setting realistic goals and tracking progress can help you stay motivated and on track. Take the time to build the right workout routine. This way you can achieve your fitness goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle.


How to Include Variation in Olympic Lifting 

Variation in exercises is essential for a well-rounded fitness routine. Repeating the same exercises can lead to boredom and a plateau in progress as your muscles become accustomed to the same movements. Incorporating variation in your exercises can help prevent this plateau and keep your workouts challenging and exciting. Additionally, you can vary the type of strength training exercises you do. You can change the number of sets and reps. Or incorporate different types of equipment, like resistance bands or kettlebells.

Kettlebells will force the body to adapt in ways similar to the barbell versions of your regular drills. However, they are easier to learn and place less stress on the wrists, which can be essential for athletes recovering from an injury. By incorporating variation into your workout routine, you can challenge your body in new ways, target different muscle groups, and prevent boredom, leading to better overall fitness results.


In conclusion, Olympic lifting for athletic performance is an excellent way to improve strength, power, explosiveness, speed, and overall athletic performance. It can also help reduce the risk of injury, making it an excellent choice for athletes looking to stay healthy and perform at their best. Whether you’re a professional athlete or a weekend warrior, Olympic lifting can help you achieve your fitness goals. So why not give it a try? With a bit of practice and patience, you’ll soon see the benefits that Olympic lifting can bring to your athletic performance.


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