Blog 2_November (Wellness in your home, in your family, within you)

What is wellness? Not according to your Google app, not according to what wellness experts say but according to you. In the day and age, that we live in we have different perspectives of what wellness is and take other people’s perspectives without forming our own.

I don’t want to give you a definition of what wellness is. I would prefer to encourage you to have your own understanding of what wellness particularly as it pertains to your own lifestyle, because lifestyles vary. For example, a single young woman’s lifestyle differs from that of a mother with three children and works two jobs. Western food and life differs from that of an African; a person that gyms regularly may use supplements and someone with a chronic illness may in turn have a completely different lifestyle from everyone else. So I ask again what is wellness, coupled with your lifestyle?

Has this piqued your interest in wellness? Then sign up at eta College for one of our Fitness courses where you can learn more about fitness, training, wellness and healthy lifestyle practices!

Written by: Mbali Mtambo


On Key

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