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Getting a job while studying can significantly benefit your long-term career goals. If you’re willing to put in the effort to network, learn new skills, and improve your financial status, you’ll reap the benefits. However, work-study conflicts arise when you must divide your time between your academic and professional obligations. Anyone struggling to balance studying and working or an internship should know that we’re here to help! Here are our top ways to handle working and studying during varsity.

Planning is everything when you want to handle working and studying during varsity

It’s up to you to decide how many hours a week you’re willing to put in and how much spare time your course allows. While most colleges advise against taking on more than 15 hours of work a week during term time, some will not allow you to do so. Before committing, take some time to assess how much of your resources you can devote. Once you’ve committed, it will be difficult to back out of your commitment. Do you have the flexibility to work evenings and weekends? Are you distance studying, or do you need to commute to college? How long are the workdays at your place of employment? Your studies may suffer more than you think if you frequently work long shifts. When you add in commuting, getting dressed, and other time commitments, working four shifts of four hours a week will use more of your time than working two shifts of eight hours a week.

Make a list of what you can and can’t do, and then meet with your manager as soon as possible to discuss it.

Look after yourself

It’s critical to maintain good physical and mental health. Try to get at least seven to eight hours of sleep each night. Your immune system will be strengthened, your memory will be improved, and you will be able to handle stress more effectively. You should also strive to exercise, but you don’t have to commit to a gym. There are plenty of exercises you can do like going for a run or a brisk walk.  Additionally, consume healthy foods throughout the day to keep your energy levels high. Takeaways can be tempting, but they are not always healthy, so include takeaways occasionally.

Stay organized

Juggling working and studying at the same time can lead to losing focus on some of the parts of your many duties. Structure and good organisation play a vital role here. For example, every night, make sure you recharge your laptop and smartphone. Have a weekly ‘to-do’ list. Stock up on your supplies frequently so you don’t have to stop working to do so.

You must know where everything is all the time, and you shouldn’t forget to put stuff away; you want to avoid chaos. Whether you’re staying at home or in a dorm, make sure your space is clear of clutter.  You’ll find you will be more productive, less irritable, and less distracted in a clutter-free environment.

Spend your time wisely

Avoid procrastination! Study in short bursts interspersed with short breaks. Shut down your phone, eat some healthy food and sit down to study with intention. You’ll be able to complete your university work more quickly if you eliminate sources of distractions and employ rewards systems. You’ll have more time to yourself, which you can use to unwind or even work an extra shift if necessary. Keep in mind that you are a student! Make the most of your time at university and make time to relax with your friends.

Try not to miss lectures

Attendance is fundamental to engaged learning! You have more interaction with your academic instructors and other students on your course. There will be times when due to circumstances you have to miss a lecture, but take responsibility for your education, and make sure you follow up on the lecture you missed!

Small wins matter

When we set the bar for our high expectations of success, we are more likely to quit when the going gets rough. Do not forget to appreciate every one of your modest accomplishments while pursuing your studies, no matter how big or tiny they may be. Successfully completing your studies can be a huge undertaking, even more so when you have to handle working and studying at the same time. That’s why you need to focus less on the enormous accomplishments and more on the smaller ones, like getting an A+ on your test or submitting your assignments on time.

Final words

These pointers should prove helpful if you’re trying to handle working and studying during varsity. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that will alter your outlook on work and the world. Stay organised, prioritise self-care, and don’t slack off, and you will surely succeed! This is the best time of your life, so make sure you use every second of it. Good luck!


On Key

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