I am not usually one for writing, simply because I am not the best when it comes to words. But here goes nothing:

I’ve only experienced eta College for two months now and I must admit that this energy is unmatchable. The people, the vibe, and the whole organisation together make for a pretty strong team. Being a newbie at a place like this is absolutely no joke. I quickly learned that multi-tasking is at the order of the day, and it is jumping in at the deep end. Do not get me wrong, this is actually everything that I needed, because it is in environments like this that you can actually see what you are capable of and the type of places with endless growth.

Day one for me will always be known as the information overload; getting to understand the details of each course, the degree, who is who, who does what, and the list goes on. I was more than impressed – I was fascinated on exactly how much eta does for their students, this is so much more than just sport and fitness, trust me! On my first day I even experienced my first school expo, it went pretty well, and needless to say I went to sleep quite early that night LOL.

Little did I know that a whole month of expos would be happening quite soon. It was one massive adventure and I loved seeing new places, getting to know the people from different colleges, universities, and educational institutions. It has been a great experience and I am pretty proud of the way we as a team hustled and got new leads in. Between everything I also got to finally put faces to the names of all the other eta College campus staff through our sales and marketing training sessions and even had to give feedback once, giving me the chance to show who I am.

If you know me you would know exactly how excited I am to actually start lecturing; eta gave me the opportunity to make one of my biggest goals and future dreams a very close reality. Knowing our students, I am pretty sure I will learn a lot from them as well. My biggest hope is that I can inspire these students or even if it is at least just one or two to be the best they possibly can be.

It hasn’t been the easiest year for me personally, but eta College has given me that silver lining that I hoped for. I am looking forward to seeing what the future holds for me here at eta; I really do believe this is a place I will be able to grow personally and professionally. Working with such a diverse team from all over South Africa with so many ideas and different opinions, you are bound to learn new things and gain more knowledge and most importantly grow as a human being.

So yes, in a nutshell, it has been crazy, wonderful, exciting, exhausting and absolutely blissful being the sales and marketing coordinator for the George campus, but believe me when I say I am so ready for more to come!

I am thankful to be part of the eta College family and looking forward to a lot more adventures.

Monique Hanekom, Sales Co-ordinator (George Campus)

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