In this day and age time is the most valuable commodity we have. Sometimes our time has to be split in so many different ways and it can be overwhelming to keep on top of everything. The buzz term for the last little while has been balance.

Balance is everything – balance between work and personal life, and balance between career growth and relaxation time. Here are four secrets to finding a balance between your studies and life with eta Online – we want you to manage a healthy personal and professional life. Here’s how:

•    Chat to your family. Let your family know that you have made the decision to study part time. This will hold you accountable for your studies, but also allow you the possibility of having people around you when times get very busy.

•    Learn to work smart, not hard. Make sure that you fully understand the online system that you are working with. This will allow you to work on it efficiently and effectively, thus saving you time.

•    Cut yourself some slack. Make sure you plan your schedule in advance – set aside time to study, but more importantly, make sure that you include activities that you enjoy doing. If you can’t live without your daily run, make sure you include it. If there is a series that you must watch, make sure you work hard before and after it. Every once in a while, reward yourself for a job well done.

•    Understand yourself. Make sure you get to know yourself and the way that you study. Do not procrastinate, and use your time wisely. Also understand your capacity. Remember stretching yourself too thin will impact the quality of everything that you do.

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