Most people start studying at an institution to become a Lawyer, Doctor or even a personal trainer. But no one starts studying at an institution in the hopes of one day working for the very same institution that educated them. Well…this is the true story of that exact thing happening to me.

I was lucky enough to know since the 10th grade what I wanted to become when I finished school…a Personal Trainer.

This came about as a result of a bad burn I had when I was 8 years old which left me with 3rd degree burns on my body and face. I couldn’t play any contact sports due to the immense pain I was in. I began taking part in sports again when I was 13 years old; I decided not to let anything hold me back and I was dedicated to increasing my physical ability and do my best in sport. By Grade 10, I was in love with the fitness industry and knew then that I wanted to become – a Personal Trainer. In 2016 I started studying at eta College at the George campus.

I heard about eta College through their DSTV advertisements, and I instantly knew it’s the place I wanted to be. I aimed on completing my Diploma in Exercise specialist, Diploma in Coaching and Diploma in Sports management over a 6-year period. I was driven to become a trainer at Virgin active by my 2nd year and started making a name for myself within the industry. Lucky enough, I started working for Virgin active by the end of my 1st year at eta and by the end of my 2nd year I had completed my Diploma in Exercise specialist and Advanced certificate in sports conditioning whilst working for Virgin Active as a part time Fitness instructor and Group Exercise Trainer.

In 2017 I had the privilege of doing sport massage for the springbok squad for two days since I completed my sports massage course the previous year. I felt like I needed new thumbs after those two days – but what an amazing experience non the less. Through hard work I had completed the following qualifications and courses by the end of my first 2 years study with eta:
• Diploma in Exercise specialist
• Advanced certificate in sports conditioning and periodization
• Pilates
• Indoor cycling
• Sports massage
• Kinesio strapping course
• Pound fit
• Grid
• Speed & Agility
• Olympic lifting

In 2018, I started studying towards a diploma in Sport & Recreation Management. I resigned from Virgin Active the previous year and only focused on giving group training classes for Virgin active and do sports massages on the side. This was a slow year for me as I had much more free time than my previous years. But whilst I was busy with my business studies my mind shifted from becoming a great trainer to becoming a successful business owner. I wanted to leave a legacy behind that no one could replace. This is where I started my business idea called… Wolf Power Fitness.

In 2019 I was still planning my business and developed it further. I was provided an opportunity to start teaching practical lectures to first year eta students. By September 2019 I was the teacher for eta’s 6×6 course. I couldn’t be happier as this was an opportunity that I only thought about in my head but never expected to happen.
And then 2020 happened… We were lucky enough to continue with classes online and during this time, I was given more responsibilities to grow within eta.

Then in 2021 I started my official position as Academic manager for the George campus whilst study towards my bachelor’s degree in Management Sport and Leisure. Seeing as Covid gave me a lot of time to plan my business at home, I finally decided to also start my business in February 2021. Now I have a successful group training business on the side whilst studying and working full time. Life may be busy, but the opportunities for growth are endless.

Honestly, I don’t think I would have grown so much at any other institution. The number of opportunities that eta College has provided me is unimaginable. I am forever grateful for the growth and skill that eta has given me.

I think every student that studies with eta will have the same opportunities, but it’s up to each one to use each opportunity and make the best of it. Only through hard work and passion, can you make a success of your opportunities.
We never know what path life will present to us, it just depends if you are willing to take the risk and put in the work. If you do that, then you will only be pleasantly surprised.

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