etaConnectBlog Post

Written by: Aubrey Stout

eta’s Online platform is called etaConnect. This online learning platform allows students to access tasks, resources, tests and important announcements.

As with any new system, it takes time to master. Here are twelve tips to get the most out of eta Online:

  1. Watch the navigation videos provided in the welcome email. These videos will demonstrate how to navigate through the various modules on eta
  2. Make use of the recourse videos in the ALT module which will help you in uploading your tasks, show you Onedrive and provide you with a recommended list of apps you can use make studying on the go simple and at your fingertips.
  3. When you’ve watched the videos, use the corresponding timetable provided and link the course codes on eta
  4. Familiarise yourself with the calendar details on your home page. The calendar will indicate what tasks are due that particular month. These dates should also correspond with that of the timetable provided.
  5. Use the Message & Forum Chat Room functions. This is the perfect platform to connect with other students and discuss academic-related issues. This function allows students to share views and assist other students who are currently needing help from their peers. This is also a platform where you can pose questions to your tutor.
  6. Make use of the available resources. Each module has additional resources that will assist in the learning process.
  7. Read your study guide. The study guide has been merged with the manual content to make your learning experience more dynamic & interactive. This is probably the most important document on your system and will provide you with learning activities to develop and engage with this applied knowledge. It provides a step-by-step learning pathway to achieving an end goal.
  8. Tasks are found on your course page under the topic headings “Formative” or “Summative” tasks. By simply clicking on the desired task you will be able to see the detailed instructions, assessment preparation tutorial video or podcast as well as the assessment rubric and any additional documents like templates that may be useful in executing your task. No added fuss; just upload in the same area as soon as you are ready to submit.
  9. Make use of the Grades section, this is a useful tool that records all assessed tasks and provides an overview of the scores achieved to date. It’s an excellent tool as it will give you a snapshot of how you are currently performing in each module. The gradebook also provides statistics where you can compare your scores with that of your peer group.
  10. Tests and quizzes. The etaConnect platform allows students to complete tests and quizzes online. It is a very useful and easy-to-use system that allows you to do a test anywhere in the world on the day of the test or exam. The only thing you will need is an internet connection. Please note that the tests are only available on a designated day on etaConnect which will appear on the calendar as an alert. Follow the easy step-by-step prompts provided prior to the test or exam and you should have a seamless experience.
  11. Read announcements when they’re posted. The tutor will convey important information via the announcements tab. This ensures a centralised platform for communication regarding completed tasks past and future tasks. No emails are sent unless the student requests something specific from the tutor. The wonderful thing about the announcement function is that it does not limit you to your email. In the event that your laptop or computer crashes and important emails are lost, all etaConnect correspondence is posted via the announcements section to ensure you have access at all times to this important information. Always review this section!
  12. The best for last – the Dashboard! This provides you with an overview of all the courses you are enrolled for. It shows your tasks and tests that are due for submission as well as a ‘completion ring’ showing your interaction with the content available on each course page. So at any time during your studies with eta, you know exactly where you are in your learning pathway.
  13. You also get to access the online library via the Site Home option which provides a variety of online resources.


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