Please select a policy below to view and download:

Rules & Policies

eta’s ethos regarding access to learning aims to make admission to any of eta’s programmes as easy and seamless as possible, within the parameters of the South African Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act 101 of 1997) and its subsequent amendments.

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This policy provides the rules and guidelines relating to the awarding of bursaries. Because bursaries form part of our social responsibility policy this represents eta’s commitment to social responsibility. Our organisation has grown over the past 15 years and it seeks to give back to communities by offering bursaries to deserving candidates. Social responsibility is also a component of our broad based black economic empowerment (BBBEE) policy.

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This policy sets out the rules relating to the publishing and management of course fees and their payment options, as well the management of defaults, cancellations and refunds, invoicing and receipting.

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The eta Wellness Policy is designed with a clear and comprehensive purpose: to champion the holistic well-being of every member, including students, faculty, and national staff. Recognising that well-being extends far beyond mere physical health, the policy addresses the multifaceted dimensions of well-being, encompassing mental, emotional, social, and even environmental aspects.

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This policy serves as a basis for the consideration of employees and students with special needs and, where relevant, to be able to include them in the workplace and in the delivery of our learning programmes at eta. The policy aims to ensure that eta, where possible, provide an environment in which employees and students with special needs are included and are protected from unfair discrimination.

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The purpose of this document is to ensure that eta students are aware of the expected conduct. The policy also clarifies students’ right to appeal if an offence has occurred within the eta premises and grounds or if an offence has been committed by another eta student. The policy explains the disciplinary action that follows, should rules be broken or not adhered to.

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To promote an enabling institutional environment where quality teaching and learning can grow across the student body, the academic staff cohort, administrative and academic support services and the academic management body.

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